Enter the Narrow Gate

"Enter the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." Matthew 7:13

Good Monday morning!It's been a while (again..ha) since I have written! However, I have worked a little on the design of the blog and decided on a new title. Blessings, Suzanne...just as it looks, like a salutation at the end of a letter. Throughout my caringbridge journal entries, I usually ended them that way and some with a few more adjectives! I was on a walk yesterday and had been praying for something easy to remember and that was what I came up with. The Lord reminded me that everything begins and ends with a blessing. My journey of life, especially in the past few years, certainly reflects beginnings and endings. Daily I thank my Lord for giving me His strength in the past, the present and for the future. Blessing His name for the twists, turns, and the straight and narrow way. It is an honor to respond to the simple question "How are you doing?" You see, there's a blessing in that even because really the question is "Are you okay, cancer-free?" But that now goes without saying. A simple "How are you" will do and a simple answer is "great." I find myself adding a little to that "I really mean it, (smile)I feel back to normal." From the physical aspect, but never the same normal in the spiritual! Oh the stretching and teaching and stretching some more and growing and laughing and singing and stretching some more. I have learned that to get through that narrow gate you gotta do some toning, stretching and plain hard work! But the enjoyment of walking through, holding the hand of my First Love, Jesus Christ...it feels like losing a hundred pounds and fitting in clothes I never wore before!
I am being "fitted" for the King, to be used as His blessing for His people. It is an individual journey, one prepared for just for me and it has proven in my life to be better than the broad path that leads to destruction! Spoken from experience, thank you Jesus for the detour!!! Praying you choose the narrow gate today!

MOORE NEWS:We had a great summer, ending it with one last trip to Charlotte to see family. We even enjoyed a day at Carowinds Amusement and Water Park...with five children! A great memory! And seeing a week old cousin, Addy, born the week before! It's been quite a transition to Middle School for Abby but I can see that changing. She is adjusting to changing classes, a locker and being eleven and a half (and all that comes with that)!!! Luke is the big dog since he's in third grade, the oldest of students at that school. So his transition awaits next year! I am getting back in the swing of working while they are in school and love being able to pick them up from school and be home in the afternoons. A blessing.

"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:25



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