Author and Finisher of Our Faith

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2

Since Jesus is THE author and finisher of my faith, I give Him the glory and honor for every word written on this blog from this day forward. As his word says "looking unto Jesus", I will be looking, seeking and sharing what he reveals to my heart. My heart belongs to Him and it is my hope that as you read you connect with His heart.

Today started just like any other day, I got up and headed straight to the coffee pot, and headed into my "study"chair to be fed. Fed by the God's word that is. This year I am following two different devotion books which I highly recommend: 1) Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Chas E. Cowman, 1950 and 2) Jesus Calling:Enjoying Peace in His Presence  by Sarah Young,2004. Many years ago, I was taught this principle and eleven years later, I continue. No devotion book, or words of another replaces the written, very alive, word of God, the Bible. Though I enjoy the wisdom of others and their view, I know that I must dig a little deeper by looking up the reference scriptures. It is there that the Lord's truth begins to speak to my heart. For example, today I read this verse from Streams "Sarah bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him." Genesis 21:2 Hmmmm. "at the set time" jumped off the page!! Here I sit, beginning a new journey, "at the set time." It is time to turn the page from "Caring Bridge" to the next chapter. I will forever be grateful for my opportunity to use as a way to chronicle over two years of a cancer diagnosis. Now, by faith, I continue. I didn't realize I would actually begin today until about fifteen minutes ago. The set time. And you will never guess what I was doing....loading laundry into the dryer!!! Now isn't that a story! I realized that today marks two years to the date of my last chemotherapy treatment. (May 24, 2009) And significantly enough, I didn't know until the next week that it would be the day I finished. But He knew. He is the author and the finisher of my circumstances, my relationships, my tribulations, my heart and soul. And He is the same for you. Today I encourage you to sit down, be still and open the most amazing book of truth there is, the Bible. The best is yet to come!!!!

MOORE NEWS: In the establishment of my first post, I must include this section for those who are interested in our family! Let me introduce my hardworking/funny husband, Jeff of thirteen years and Abby, my artist/dogloving, twelve year old daughter and Luke, my music/dance moves eight year old son...oh and Katie, our Yorkie, Boston, our Labradoodle and Harley, our "mix", and Rose and Dalmation, our two hamsters and finally Daisy, our rabbit. I am sure many of the posts will include any or all of them, God uses them all for teachable moments for sure!!!

"Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD." Psalm 150:6



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