Exciting News: New Blog, New Adventure

Hey Friends! I have some exciting news... After seven wonderful years of sharing "Blessings, Suzanne" on Blogger, I am making the move to Word Press and can now be found at www.blessings-suzanne.com . It is still a work in progress so bear with me as I work through the kinks. I remember how nervous I was changing from my Caringbridge Journals to Blogger and this is yet a new, but necessary change. Continue the journey with me and read the latest (and first) post A New Adventure ! God has surely blessed me with stories and experiences that need to be shared to encourage and inspire you to always have hope and joy in Him! I look forward to all He has planned for us ahead! "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6 For His Glory.