Forty-Five Verses: Dream Team

Don't you think Pansies have happy faces?2018 A treasured friend of mine once said to me "one thing I want you to focus on is your "dream team" of friends God has put in your life." I have carried that statement for years. She was certainly speaking the truth! I am blessed beyond what I deserve with friends and I don't mean acquaintances I mean friends. The ones that are there no matter what, good or bad or both. The ones that pray. The ones that are happy for you when something good happens to or for you. The ones that follow up with you once they learn of a situation going on in your life( this one is huge ). The ones that send you a text or call just because. The ones that love your kids as your own unconditionally. The ones that take care of you when you are sick (sniff, sniff, even a whole year, boy do I have a team). The ones that call you to make you laugh with a funny story. The ones that invite you to come over just to catch up. The ones that st...