8 Years Cancer Free: Living Life Intentionally and Boldly

"People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on every word of God." Matthew 4:4 8 Years CANCER FREE Cancer is brutal but CHRIST IS BOUNDLESS! I remember this 26th day of January every year as a marker in my life! An encounter with the Lord, face to face and truly beginning to live a life surrendered to His plan, not mine. For the past year I have revisited some of the same quietness I experienced while going through the cancer process. Sitting at His feet. Leaning in closer. Close enough to hear Him whisper the next step. Sitting still, unable to move beyond the written word on the page speaking to me right where I was. And I needed the time with Him. I needed less time with other things. I wanted to make my home with Him. "Jesus answered him, "Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." John 14:23 Through it all, there has been so much freedom in l...