Be Strong

"For to the snow He says, 'Fall on the earth, ' And to the downpour and the rain, 'Be strong'. Job 37:6 Snow of February 12, 2014, note:Rescue jeep pictured We have lived here, in this house for twelve years. We have seen many seasons come and go, but never has it been like this year! Two snow covering, school closing, work delaying weeks of uncertain conditions. After the last snow, it certainly provoked a fear of uncertainty and flat out refusal to even put myself in a compromising position. Abby and Luke both were at friend's houses this time. So the house had quite a different feel. It felt like a time to rest. And by resting I mean physical and mental. I could do some things I wanted to do with no interuption. I have (am learning) to really embrace and enjoy these sacred moments of rest And when fear comes I can rest in Him, that calls me to surrender uncertainty and replace it with Hope that He is making the rough places smooth. Today is what I...